For the process junkies here's a time lapse of the creation of the cover image for Wretched Things printed collection. Several hours of work shrunk into 6 minutes. Music by @VignetteProject . Big thanks to @Comicexperience & @SourcePtPress #makecoomics
The Next Dance Kickstarter
The Next Dance kickstarter is winding down and only a few hundred dollars away from being a success. Head over and take a look all reward tiers are still open from a print copy of the book to original art and sketches.
Double Page Spread Process. Part 2
We left off in part 1 with the final digital pencils.
From this I print out bluelines directly onto 2 sheets of 11"x17" bristol board, taped them together and start inking.
I'll be sure to post some more process stuff in the future. If you have any questions leave a comment or contact me. Hope you enjoyed seeing this spread come to life.
Thanks for reading and be sure to check out Wretched Things on Comixology at
Double Page Spread Process. Part 1
One of the most often asked requests I get is if someone can watch me work. While I enjoy watching the process used by other artists I find my own way of doing things uninteresting. When sitting at a table during a comic con you just need to let go and not feel awkward drawing in front of people, but usually I'm in my studio with my dog as the only silent witness to my trash can full of awful sketches that will never see the light of day.
With the third chapter of Wretched Things out now I'm going to walk through my process for creating the opening double page spread, which included the credits page that is found at the front of all comics. Why the hell would you do such a thing? Well it sounded cool and cinematic when Devon pitched the idea to me and he did a helluva job describing the scene in the script. I'm always in for a challenge no matter how much extra work I create for myself.
From here it's scribbling on the script page and on random pieces of paper to come up with layouts and visual ideas.
I'll stop here for now and continue on to the inking process in part 2.
Thanks for reading and be sure to check out Wretched Things on Comixology at
I've got how many pages to ink?!?!
Progress is steady and starting to gain momentum this week. Some sleepless nights of comics making ahead but I'm stocked on caffeine, movies and music.
Big congrats to Chris Lewis and the team on Karma Police on their successful kickstarter. Here's to more and future success for the creators coming out of the Comicsexperience workshop!
Wretched Things #2 out this week! Story time!
After a long delay Wretched Things #2 will be out on Comixology this Wednesday.
Issue #2: the finish line is in sight
Issue #1 has been out a few weeks now. Issue #2 is taking longer than hoped but we're only a few pages away from that goal. Working 48 hours per week at the fire dept. then the same if not more in the studio has taken its toll. That said I am happy for the opportunity to be doing both. It is a great feeling seeing the finished product and hearing the positive feedback and knowing that someone actually cared enough to already pirate it and make it available for illegal download.
One of the most asked questions I've been getting is along the lines of 'What's the most messed up thing you've had to draw?' For Wretched it has all been pretty crazy. Lots of fantastic environments, creepy things with lots of hairy legs and huge freakin fangs. Though spider on spider torture would probably be the most twisted item.
Back to the drawing board for now. Make sure to check out Wretched Things #1 over on!