We left off in part 1 with the final digital pencils.
From this I print out bluelines directly onto 2 sheets of 11"x17" bristol board, taped them together and start inking.
Here I've ruled in some straight lines with a tech pen. Ignore the big spray splatter, I was testing out a mini spray bottle with ink.
Blocked in some solid blacks and started in on The Deserter (the yellow jacket).
Finished the antennae of the ancient centipede, The Deserter, a few background centipedes and started on rendering Bran's fur. Also did some experimenting with texture for what should be insulation between the rafters.
Finished The Deserter's wings and started on the ancient. Lots of texture on his crusty old shell and legs.
More detail work.
Finished up the ancient, outlined some more background centipedes and inked Tal Salwin, a centipede general.
Finally the 2 spiders in the foreground (Impatience & Gallop) and Bran's tail. A few random splatters and reverse lines added in too.
Close up of some spider butt.
The spread scanned in and blacks adjusted in photoshop. Finished size of 22"x17" at 300dpi
Colors done by the great John Hunt bringing the characters to life.
Finally the published spread with Devon's letters and the credits on the inside of the front cover.
I'll be sure to post some more process stuff in the future. If you have any questions leave a comment or contact me. Hope you enjoyed seeing this spread come to life.
Thanks for reading and be sure to check out Wretched Things on Comixology at http://bit.ly/2c7ynlf